Roundtable for MSI Presidents and Senior Leaders

President’s Forum Plenary

Join us for an exclusive and high-impact President’s Forum Plenary, tailored specifically for the Presidents and senior leaders from diverse Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) and organizations. This session is a dedicated platform for top-level strategic discussions and peer-to-peer learning among leaders at the forefront of educational and community advancement.

Session Highlights:

  • Leadership Exchange: Engage in rich, collaborative discussions with fellow leaders, sharing insights, challenges, and successes. This is an invaluable opportunity for MSIs to come together, exchange leadership strategies, and discuss innovative approaches to common challenges.
  • Driving Positive Change: Explore actionable strategies on how MSIs can be pivotal in driving positive change within communities. Discussions will revolve around creating equitable opportunities, enhancing institutional impact, and navigating the evolving landscape of higher education.
  • Expert-Led Panels: The session will feature panels of accomplished leaders and experts, offering their perspectives on a range of topics from institutional governance to emerging trends in education impacting minority communities.
  • Future Visioning: Deliberate on the future trajectory of MSIs, focusing on sustainable growth, adaptability, and the role of technology in education. Leaders will discuss how MSIs can continue to be beacons of innovation and inclusion in an ever-changing world.

Networking and Collaboration: Beyond the formal discussions, this plenary provides a unique opportunity for leaders to build a network of support, collaboration, and shared vision. Engage in meaningful conversations that extend beyond the summit, fostering long-term partnerships and alliances.

This President’s Forum Plenary is not just a meeting of minds but a breeding ground for transformative ideas and enduring collaborations, set to shape the future of minority-serving institutions.

…with a special presentation by NVIDIA’s Louis Stewart